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API Overview API Functions (58)
Active Pending Reserved
Function: KEY - (KEY) Details

Function Details
  • Function Name: KEY
  • Function Symbol: KEY
  • Date Established: 03/01/2017
  • Status: Active
  • Owner:
Attributes Users Activity
4 161,571 1,202,413

The KEY Function is a unique feature that enables the WEB3 and Blockchain Community to assign public keys to any Blockchain Name, with support for all cryptocurrencies. This function allows unlimited crypto currency assignments through the use of a nickname.




Blockchain Name Return Data
^MyName.key All Public Keys
^MyName.key.symbol All Public Keys for Currency
^MyName.key.symbol.nickname One Exact Public Key

Blockchain Names and its API is a service of Global Data Spaces, Inc. ©2023 All Rights Reserved